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Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is a
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common cardiac arrhythmia that becomes more prevalent with age [1] and is associated with an increased long-term risk of stroke, paf receptor failure, and all-cause mortality [2]. Since Einthoven recorded the electrograms in 1906 [3], AF has widely been r
br Conclusions br Conflict of interest
Conclusions Conflict of interest Introduction Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) arises from the mesenchymal tissue of the gastrointestinal tract. The annual incidence of this condition is 7 cases per million people in the West. However, the incidence could in fact be higher in Asian pop
br Introduction Homocysteine Hcy is a sulfur
Introduction Homocysteine (Hcy) is a sulfur-containing amino farnesoid x receptor that has a key role in methionine metabolism. Disturbance of this metabolic pathway may result in the accumulation of Hcy and related abnormal outcomes such as cognitive disorders, cancer, and birth defects. In par
Time dependent changes in the level
Time-dependent changes in the level of anxiety and proportion of patients with anxiety after ICD selective androgen receptor modulators are unclear. Among patients treated with ICD for the secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death, Kamphuis et al. suggested that the proportion of patients with a
sars-cov br Diagnostic criteria Brugada syndrome is definiti
Diagnostic criteria Brugada syndrome is definitively diagnosed when a type-1 ST-segment elevation is observed in at least 1 right precordial lead (V1 and V2) [23], placed in a standard or a superior position (up to the second intercostal space) (Fig. 1C) [24,25], in the presence or absence of a s
br Purpose br Methods Participating
Purpose Methods Participating centers: Forty main ICSD centers in Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa, which cover approximately 20% of all new ICSD patients in Japan, are participating in the present study. After obtaining written informed consent, all patients (over 20 years old) will be register
In recent years the impact that food production
In recent years, the impact that food production and consumption have had on the environment has received increasing international attention. Some food production practices and consumption behaviours are putting the environment under a great stress, contributing to climate change. The food sector ac
br Methods The study protocol was approved by
Methods The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee at Juntendo University Nerima Hospital. After informed consent was obtained, SBC measurement was performed using a blood sample from each participant. Plasma was separated from each sample immediately after collection by centrifugati
The data also revealed notable differences in
The data also revealed notable differences in practice patterns across the countries. In France, Italy, Spain and the UK, patients were most likely to have multiple disseminated sites of metastases at the time of initial bone kanamycin detection; however, patients in Germany were most likely to hav
El t tulo del poema
El título del poema define una intertextualidad que se refuerza tipográficamente por medio de las cursivas del primer verso. La diferencia gráfica entre las palabras que integran este verso resalta el signo de la negación —el adverbio “no”— expresando una contradicción que culmina en los dos versos
O processo de sele o
O processo de seleção é crucial, pois ache inhibitor ‘escolhida’ será a responsável, nos próximos cinco anos, pela gestão do hospital determinado, decisão publicada em Diário Oficial. Dois aspectos são merecedores de atenção. Inicialmente, a decisão unilateral de escolha pelo Secretário de Saúde por
La relaci n entre el narcotr
La relación entre el narcotráfico y los grupos guerrilleros y los paramilitares se ha dado: “[…] no sólo como fuente de financiación sino como actor con intereses propios, ya que han aumentado significativamente las ‘familias’ que se dedican al tráfico de drogas, que a su vez están aumentando sus fo
RANK RANKL The RANK RANKL signaling pathway is
RANK/RANKL: The RANK/RANKL signaling pathway is a critical component of both normal and malignant bone remodeling. RANK is a transmembrane signaling receptor and a member of the tumor necrosis receptor (TNF) superfamily that is found on the surface of OCL precursors [43,44]. RANK ligand (RANKL) is e
Solamargine br As the only methods available for dual protec
As the only methods available for dual protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), male and female condoms have a vital role in sexual and reproductive health. Mags Beksinska and colleagues therefore are to be commended for their randomised crossover trial in this Sol
On what might an argument for
On what might an argument for a fairer distribution of malaria research investment rest? The investments analysed by Head and colleagues were those made from outside of sub-Saharan Africa, not by African countries themselves, and were a mix of public funds channelled through bilateral and multilater
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